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The Excruciating Pain
Saturday, 17 January 2015 • 20:58 • 0 comments

Hi there,
It's cloudy here in Bandung Indonesia.

I was planning to do reorganize my bag and also my planner

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I woke up, and i realised i just kill someone.
Just Kidding.

This is how exactly a girl feels when they woke up with period. 
Is the worst time of the month. Trust me.

And you'll be finding for tampons and pads.

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And you always wish that you could just HOCUS POCUS some tampons,

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And by the time you're done changing your tampons.

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And believe me,
There will always be
Some random different guy appear and say...

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You're brain started to be like this....

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And when you try to held back you're emotion
Trying not to hurt the poor little guy.

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And when the guy went overboard and tell you that getting kicked in the balls is worse than cramps 

That is when even the Lord gave you permission to loose your senses.

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and i'am glad you asked...

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Well, it is nothing much different...
Let me get you a picture... it should be not much different from this...

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and obviously is not only once, you little brat...
Are you kidding?

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Well i guess that should wrap it all.

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Next, lets talk about cravings,
Every now and then you will feel like this...

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4 days before...
a day before...
on that day itself..... 
a few days after....

And your emotion would be like this....

For the first few minutes,

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Out of sudden you have the cramps. 

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And then, for the next few minutes, you would think of how bad your life is compare to the others...

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and then...
you feel that you're so much more luckier than the other less fortunate...

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And you start wondering what have you achieve so many years back.
And you realise you had achieve nothing..
and you started to be like this again...

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And when your family tells you that you're overreacting

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And when someone asked you, if is it the time of the month

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You'll be like...

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and you'll say this

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And you will feel this all the time..

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If someone asked you if youkissed the floor,
This is the answer...

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And when people asked why are you absent from class?
Well because im happy being home just being me...a total crap.

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And you texted you're friend this...

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And when you expected for something the completely opposite came.

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And the end of the week, or mayb more.
When It's finally over...

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And trust me, your evil uterus is grinning and saying...

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And you're like this when its over...

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Here's to all the girl who is having their period

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Thats all for now,
Love Karen.


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